Information relating to marketing, communication and education.
The Road Traffic Infringement Agency (RTIA) is inviting members of the public to visit its AARTO Service Outlets in areas closer to them. Members of the community, particularly road users, are requested to take advantage of the various AARTO services that are offered.
The RTIA is charged to administer the implementation of the Administrative Adjudication of the Road Traffic Offences Act (AARTO) Act of 1998. In terms of the Act, the RTIA has a responsibility to educate and inform all road users about their rights and options pertaining to managing and resolving their traffic fines.
The Adjudication Procedure as stipulated in Chapter 3 of the AARTO Act dictates that the RTIA sends a Courtesy Letter (reminder) notifying the proxy/ motorist of their infringement within the first 32 days. The motorist/proxy has the following rights or options:
• Pay the discounted amount (50% within the stipulated 32 days)
• Nominate a driver
• Make a representation (dispute the fine or provide valid reason why he/she must not be held liable for the settlement of such a road traffic law infringement fine)
• Arrange to pay in instalments
• Elect to be tried in court
The AARTO Service Outlets is an RTIA outreach effort to educate and influence positive driver behaviour on our roads.
For more information call the AARTO Call Centre on 086 122 7861.